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Pre-assembled natural cobblestone paving.

Hera new technology is an absolute innovation in the field of natural stone paving.

A new high quality, first class paving system, consisting of pre-assembled cobblestone modules with classic and traditional patterns or custom made to client specification.
Key Advantages:
* No skilled labour needed for module laying
* Substantial reduction in laying time and consequently in overall costs
* Perfect trading surface, immutable in time
* Adaptable to the ground morphology
* Suitable for “do-it-yourself” paving
* Aesthetically excellent final result; the joints between the modules remain invisible and the paving looks as if laid by skilled stonemasons
* The finished paving will be stable, self draining and self-locking

Areas of application:
Boulevards and squares with light vehicle and pedestrian traffic, parking sites, parks and gardens, industrial areas.

Residential and commercial building industry: courtyards, drive ways, paths, car parks

Residential and commercial building industry: interiors, garages and common areas, entries, porches, stairs and entrances

Technical characteristics:
* Flexible and adaptable to the ground morphology
* Resistant to temperature changes
* Resistant to chemical substances
* Ability to re-lay the paving modules both temporarily during maintenance and/or for other applications and usage
* Disposal as for normal plastic materials. The characteristics of the mesh change according to the specific application and use.

* Synthetic adhesive, flexible and with a strong anchoring power
* Stable against climate changes
* Ecological, disposal as for normal inert, without particular environmental issues

Laying method:
The substrate must be structurally stable and conform to standards for conventional paving. Using split 5mm rock/sand grain to a depth of 10-15 cm.
The layer should have the same slope as foreseen for the finished paving layout having a sufficient height for the bedding layer and the paving itself.
The surface where the paving is to be laid must have adequate edging (kerbs, binders, etc) with gaps to allow water flow.
The bedding is the stratum on which the modules are laid.
On the base layer spread a bedding layer of thickness 5/6 cm of sand grain size 0/7 mm and carefully level maintaining the appropriate slope.

On the levelled bedding layer, place the modules according to the prearranged layout (traditional or customized). Once the installation is completed, fill the gaps (grout) between the units with a suitable type of sand. Tamp and level the modules with a lightweight compactor machine using sufficient water to enable the sand to fill the gaps.

For internal paving the module can be laid using regular ceramic systems and adhesives.

Hera Pre-assemble natural cobblestone paving.